2 Timothy 2:15 tells us that we should study to show ourselves approved unto God. In Acts 17, the Bereans searched the scripture daily to see if such things they were being told were true. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 states that all scripture is inspired by God, is useful for doctrine, correcting, proving, and teaching so that we will be complete and ready for all good works.
God’s word should be the most important thing in our life to have because it will judge us (John 12:48-50), it is the source of our faith (Romans 10:17), and is our light on our path of life (Psalm 119:105). Want to study with us? We study every Wednesday at 7PM and every Sunday at 9:30AM
Want a more personal bible study? Correspondence, tract, and personal bible studies are all available and free! Contact us for more information or start with a correspondence course today by filling out the form below!

Correspondence Bible Study
Central is now offering FREE Bible Correspondence courses. If you would like to have a study sent to you, please use the following form to do so.